FNB Bank

Scottsboro, AL
List of all 3 branches of FNB Bank in Scottsboro, Alabama
Click on the branch name to get more information about the branch.
No Branch Name Address
1 Five Points Drive-Up Facility 701 E. Laurel Street, Scottsboro, AL - 35768
2 Fnb Bank Broad And Appletree Streets, Scottsboro, AL - 35768
3 Jackson Square Branch 1535 South Broad Street, Scottsboro, AL - 35768
Here is the list of all branches of across US.

Branch Locations Map

Check locations of all 3 branches of FNB Bank in Scottsboro on Google Map.
Location Map - Five Points Drive-Up Facility of FNB Bank in Alabama

About FNB Bank

Head Office Address, , -
Established Date
Number of Domestic Offices
Number of Foreign Offices
Total assets$
Total deposits$
Net income$
Equity capital$
FDIC Certificate
Bank Charter Class