
Miami Beach, FL
List of all 2 branches of Iberiabank in Miami Beach, Florida
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No Branch Name Address
1 Miami Beach Branch 1501 Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL - 33139
2 Miami Beach Branch 400 Arthur Godfrey Road, Suite 102, Miami Beach, FL - 33140
Here is the list of all branches of Iberiabank across US.

Branch Locations Map

Check locations of all 2 branches of Iberiabank in Miami Beach on Google Map.
Location Map - Miami Beach Branch of Iberiabank in Florida

About Iberiabank

Head Office Address200 West Congress Street, Lafayette, LA-70501
Established Date1887-03-12
Bank Holding Company
(Regulatory Top Holder)
Iberiabank Corp (Lafayette, LA)
Number of Domestic Offices192
Total assets$ 34,581,511
Total deposits$ 28,436,334
Net income$ 31,568
Equity capital$ 4,231,983
FDIC Certificate28100
Bank Charter ClassState Member Banks