Routing Number : 111916724

The routing number # 111916724 is assigned to BANK OF THE WEST.
Routing Number111916724
Institution NameBANK OF THE WEST
Office TypeMain office
Delivery Address 108 WEST NW HWY, GRAPEVINE, TX - 76051
Servicing FRB Number111000038
Servicing Fed's main office routing number
Record Type Code1
The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI
  • 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank
  • 1 = Send items to customer routing number
  • 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field
Change DateAugust 13, 2010
Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) : 081310
Institution Status Code1

Code is based on the customers receiver code
1=Receives Gov/Comm
Fedwire Routing Details
Customer Name BANK OF THE WEST
Telegraphic name BK WEST IRVING
Funds transfer statusEligible
Funds settlement-only status-
Book-Entry Securities transfer statusInEligible
Date of last revisionJuly 13, 2006
BANK OF THE WEST Branch Locator
Routing Numbers
073902494 091200961 091300036 091400680 091803290 104112409 107000152 107002147 107006813 111305856 111916724 112025342 121100782 122105647 122242843 124002735 301171081 303188111 More ...
Major Banks
Bank of America
Citibank NA
Wells Fargo Bank
First State Bank
Bank of America