Routing Number : 043315561

The routing number # 043315561 is assigned to S & T BANK.
Routing Number043315561
New Routing Number043306855
Institution's new routing number resulting from a merger or renumber
Institution NameS & T BANK
Office TypeMain office
Delivery Address 324 NORTH 4TH STREET, INDIANA, PA - 15701
Servicing FRB Number041000014
Servicing Fed's main office routing number
Record Type Code2
The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI
  • 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank
  • 1 = Send items to customer routing number
  • 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field
Change DateOctober 28, 2016
Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) : 102816
Institution Status Code1

Code is based on the customers receiver code
1=Receives Gov/Comm
S & T BANK Branch Locator
Routing Numbers
031304173 031311674 031317636 043306855 043308468 043309632 043314449 043314847 043315448 043315561 043316256 043318814 243373206 More ...
Major Banks
Bank of America
Citibank NA
Wells Fargo Bank
First State Bank
Bank of America