Routing Number : 211572615The routing number # 211572615 is assigned to SAVINGS INSTITUTE. |
Routing Number | 211572615 |
New Routing Number | 211174181 Institution's new routing number resulting from a merger or renumber |
Institution Name | SAVINGS INSTITUTE |
Office Type | Main office |
Delivery Address | 803 MAIN ST, WILLIMANTIC, CT - 06226 |
Telephone | 860-423-4581 |
Servicing FRB Number | 011000015 Servicing Fed's main office routing number |
Record Type Code | 2 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI
Change Date | February 20, 2019
Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) : 090913 |
Institution Status Code | 1 Code is based on the customers receiver code 1=Receives Gov/Comm |