Routing Number : 322284892The routing number # 322284892 is assigned to US BANK. |
Routing Number | 322284892 |
Institution Name | US BANK |
Office Type | Main office |
Delivery Address | EP-MN-WN1A, ST PAUL, MN - 55107 (1419) |
Telephone | 800-937-6310 |
Servicing FRB Number | 121000374 Servicing Fed's main office routing number |
Record Type Code | 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI
Change Date | May 14, 2010
Date of last change to CRF information (MMDDYY) : 051410 |
Institution Status Code | 1 Code is based on the customers receiver code 1=Receives Gov/Comm |
Fedwire Routing Details | |
Customer Name | US BANK, NA |
Telegraphic name | CA NATL BK LA |
Address | LOS ANGELES, CA |
Funds transfer status | Eligible |
Funds settlement-only status | - |
Book-Entry Securities transfer status | InEligible |
Date of last revision | March 20, 2013 |
US BANK Branch Locator |