Banks in Zip Code 52240 (Iowa City, IA)

List of all 9 bank locations in Zip Code 52240 of Iowa City in Iowa.
Click on the branch name to get detailed information about the branch.
# Bank Branch Address
1 Hills Bank and Trust Company Eastside Branch 2621 Muscatine Avenue, Iowa City, IA - 52240
2 Hills Bank and Trust Company Gilbert Street Branch 1401 South Gilbert Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
3 Hills Bank and Trust Company Old Capitol Mall 201 South Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
4 MidWestOne Bank Iowa City Oneplace Location - Branch 93 500 S. Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
5 MidWestOne Bank Keokuk St - Branch 53 1906 Keokuk St, Iowa City, IA - 52240
6 MidWestOne Bank Midwestone Bank 102 South Clinton Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
7 U.S. Bank National Association Iowa City Branch 204 East Washington Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
8 U.S. Bank National Association Iowa City Towncrest Branch 1117 William Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240
9 Wells Fargo Bank, National Association Iowa City Downtown Branch 103 East College Street, Iowa City, IA - 52240

Bank Locations in 52240

Check locations of all 9 banks in zip code area 52240 on Google Map.
Location Map - banks in zip code area 52240